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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Kirstyn Lucht

Today's player spotlight is on #6 Freshman Kirstyn Lucht.

1.) When did you start playing softball? Was there a certain reason you started playing initially?

  • I started playing t-ball when I was younger and went through little league and made my way up to softball in 4th grade. I liked watching both of my older sisters and my aunt play softball and I fell in love with the game while watching them.

2.) What is your favorite position to play?

  • I like to pitch or play third base.

3.) What do you most love about softball?

  • I like the intensity of the game and how you always have to be on your toes because you never know what's going to happen next.

4.) Do you have any softball superstitions or routines you must always follow?

  • While pitching I always have a certain routine I do before I step on the mound.

5.) Is there a certain food/snack you eat before or after a game? Or is there something you always crave before/during/after a game?

  • I like to eat before a game, but I don’t have any certain food that I have to eat.

6.) Favorite sunflower seed flavor

  • My favorite is either sweet and spicy or ranch.

7.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date?

  • One of my most memorable softball moments was when I was practicing pitching to Brynlee and I turned around to talk to Coach. Well, Brynlee didn’t see that I wasn’t watching, so she threw the ball really hard and it hit me right in the gut.

8.) What is your walk up song?

  • Wild Thing by The Troggs

9.) What position would you NEVER want to play? Why?

  • I would never want to play outfield. I tried this past summer and that was the first time in a few years and didn’t didn’t go so well.

10.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season?

  • I hope that we can hopefully win regionals this year and if that doesn’t happen I hope we at least end with a pretty good record.

11.) What are some of your hobbies outside softball/sports/school?

  • I show pigs and work around the farm with my dad.

12.) What are your future goals?

  • I plan on going to Lakeland Community College in Mattoon for two years and after that I want to go into something in ag, but I don’t know for sure what part of ag I want to go into.

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