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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Brittney Bailey

Let's get know a little more about #12, Senior Brittney Bailey.

1.) When did you start playing softball? Why? -I started softball in 2nd grade. I moved up into softball early because they needed a coach and my dad volunteered : )

2.) What is your favorite position to play? -3rd base

3.) What do you love most about softball? - I love being able to compete in a sport with some of my best friends, as well as being able to see growth in my softball game.

4.) Besides the essentials, what's something that you always have with you for softball games/practices? -A lucky penny and sunflower seeds

5.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date? -Winning the tournament championship in Indianapolis this summer and being able to get the last out with a throw from Jordin Lucht in right field all the way to third base for a tag.

6.) What is the strangest item in your softball bag? -Old (and worn) softball socks and stray peanut m&ms…. I seriously need to clean out my softball bag.

7.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season? -With a new coaching staff, I hope we prove ourselves in our conference unlike previous years.

8.) What are some of your hobbies outside of softball/school? -I work at Monical’s (ask for Brittney when you dine in ; ). Outside of school, sports, and work, you can usually find me in my bed asleep.

9.) What are your future goals? -I plan to attend a four year college and major in pre-medicine, with a possibility of playing softball at the collegiate level.

10.) Any other fun tidbits you'd like to share? -I am the most superstitious player you’ll ever meet. Every time I warm up it’s exactly the same, I always have a penny with me, and I always only wear one left handed batting glove for good luck.

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