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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Jakki Mowrey

Today's player spotlight features #1 Senior Jakki Mowrey.

1.) When did you start playing softball? Was there a certain reason you started playing initially?

  • 5th grade

  • I didn’t know what softball was till a bunch of kids started talking about it one day at school.

2.) What is your favorite position to play?

  • Centerfield

3.) What do you most love about softball?

  • I love the adrenaline rush you get at the plate, or when a play is happening right in front of you.

4.) Do you have any softball superstitions or routines you must always follow?

  • I have the same warm up swing before entering the box

5.) Is there a certain food/snack you eat before or after a game? Or is there something you always crave before/during/after a game?

  • Chocolate milk

6.) Favorite sunflower seed flavor

  • Bacon flavor or original

7.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date?

  • Having a double play in Watseka and going 3/4 at the plate

8.) What is your walk up song?

  • Take Your Man by Mahogany Lox

9.) What position would you NEVER want to play? Why?

  • 3rd base

10.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season?

  • Be above 500 and win regionals

11.) What are some of your hobbies outside softball/sports/school?

  • Hanging with friends

12.) What are your future goals?

  • I want to become a school psychologist

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