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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Jordin Lucht

Today we get to know #3, Sophomore Jordin Lucht.

1.) When did you start playing softball? -I started playing softball when I was about 6. I started with tee ball. I played because I grew up watching my dad play and I thought I wanted to be just like him.

2.) What is your favorite position to play? -My favorite position is either left or center field.

3.) What do you love most about softball? -The accomplishments. When you know a good hitter is up and you try your hardest to catch their ball in the outfield and you do is the best feeling.

4.) Besides the essentials, what's something that you always have with you for softball games/practices? -Granola bars. I always have some type of granola bar for practice or game.

5.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date? -The most memorable softball moment would be when we played in the October tournament for ICE travel ball this year. I went to catch a foul fly ball while I was playing left. I was running and I caught the ball but as soon as I caught the ball I hit the fence, fell, and blacked out for a couple seconds.

6.) What is the strangest item in your softball bag? -Earrings from last season.

7.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season? -I hope we can win a regional this year and connect better as a team.

8.) What are some of your hobbies outside of softball/school? -I show pigs. I have shown pigs pretty much all of my life. I really enjoy it.

9.) What are your future goals? -I plan to go to college to be a nurse. I want to work with babies and small children as a nurse because I love kids. Hopefully I will play softball in college too. I plan on staying around here for the rest of my life.

10.) Any other fun tidbits you'd like to share? -I am excited to play with this group of girls this year!

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