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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Julia Bushnell

Today we take a peak into the inner workings of #10, Sophomore Julia Bushnell.

1.) When did you start playing softball? -I started playing when I was about 7. I joined the team just because everyone else did and I actually enjoyed it

2.) What is your favorite position to play? -2nd base

3.) What do you love most about softball? - I love to strike people out...never gets old

4.) Besides the essentials, what's something that you always have with you for softball games/practices? -I always keep a batting glove on my left hand

5.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date? -I made a triple play when I was in 4th grade

6.) What is the strangest item in your softball bag? -Emoji band-aids

7.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season? -Beat Oakwood

8.) What are some of your hobbies outside of softball/school? -I have a job but I’d rather spend all my free time snoozing and watching Friends

9.) What are your future goals? -I want to go to college to be an OB/GYN doctor and live in the city

10.) Any other fun tidbits you'd like to share? -I’m a natural left handed batter, don’t know how it happened.

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