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  • Coach Morefield

Player Spotlight - Reyse Mussard

Today we get to learn more about #16, Junior Reyse Mussard.

1.) When did you start playing softball? -I started playing softball in 3rd grade. My mom put me in softball even though I didn’t want to play because I wouldn’t have any friends but then I meant my teammates that I play with to this day. So thank you mom if you’re reading this.

2.) What is your favorite position to play? -1st base

3.) What do you love most about softball? -My favorite part about playing softball is playing with friends who I've been playing with for years.

4.) Besides the essentials, what's something that you always have with you for softball games/practices? -Water and food

5.) What is your most memorable softball moment to date? -Finding the two dead fish that were by the the softball field and it flooded last year.

6.) What is the strangest item in your softball bag? -Really really really really old sunflower seeds.

7.) What do you hope the team will accomplish this season? -I hope this season we can win regionals and set some records

8.) What are some of your hobbies outside of softball/school? -I love watching movies with my dog, and hanging out with family and friends.

9.) What are your future goals? -My future goal is to be a elementary teacher. I do plan on going to college but I don’t know where yet. I would love to play softball in college too.

10.) Any other fun tidbits you'd like to share? -Sam has been my throwing partner since 6th grade

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